A Park Plaza for rest and recreation nestled around Austin’s historic Mueller Airport Control Tower.
The Mueller Control Tower Plaza is affectionately named after Roger Lavon Taylor Sr., a past member of the Mueller Community who worked tirelessly to save the former Airport Tower from demolition. Now the iconic Mueller Tower stands as a historic and beloved landmark in the vibrant Mueller Neighborhood.
The design wraps two sculptural landforms around the Tower that support a bridged path where visitors can view both the beloved landmark and views of Downtown Austin beyond from a higher vantage point. This accessible route, lined with shade trees, connects the generous open deck space at the top of the taller land-form with the shaded gravel plaza and open lawn space located at the top of the lower land-form. Both landform hillsides are lushly planted to create a truly immersive experience full of native grasses, forbs and shrubs reminiscent of the Blackland Prairie. The ground level plaza includes various seating areas for rest, relaxation, and outdoor dining.